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TRIM Notice

In August of each year, the Property Appraiser's office mails all property owners a Notice of Proposed Property Taxes and Proposed or Adopted Non-Ad Valorem Assessments, also known as the Truth in Millage or TRIM Notice.

Property owners sometimes confuse the TRIM Notice with other official notices from different government agencies. Because it is not a bill, it often gets put aside, but the TRIM Notice needs your immediate attention so you can request a review and a revision or correction, if appropriate. Florida law limits our ability to revise or correct your value, classification, and exemption status after the assessment roll is certified.

As required by chapter 200 of Florida Statutes, the TRIM Notice contains:

  • the name, proposed millage rate, taxable value, and proposed ad valorem taxes for each taxing authority.
  • The Property Appraiser's determination of Just (market) Value
  • The Assessed Value, capped at an increase of no more than 3% for homestead and 10% for non-homestead property
  • Assessment Reductions such as the Homestead Assessment Difference, (Save Our Homes Cap), capped value for non-homestead property, and Classifications such as Agricultural.
  • All exemptions applied to the property
  • The cut-off date for petitions filed with the Value Adjustment Board to contest values, classifications, and exemption status.
  • Dates of budget hearings for each Taxing Authority
  • A list of Non-Ad Valorem Assessments provided by the Levying Authorities who agree to participate in the publication of their assessments on the TRIM Notice.


For more information regarding Truth in Millage visit the Florida Department of Revenue website