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Senior Exemption with Limited Income

The Limited Income Senior Exemptions provides an additional exemption for permanent residents 65 and over who claim the homestead exemption and whose adjusted household gross income does not exceed an amount tied to the consumer price index and published by the State of Florida every January.

The total household adjusted gross income limit is $ 37,694 for 2025

The adjusted gross income is the amount reported on your federal income tax return – Line 11, 1040 US Individual Income Tax Return or Line 11, 1040 SR Income Tax Return.

Household Adjusted Gross Income is the adjusted gross income of all members of the household, not just the age-qualified applicant. This includes spouses, partners, and other relatives.

Article VII of the Florida State Constitution gives authority to the Board of County Commissioners and the local governing authority of the municipalities to determine the benefit amount, up to $50,000, for the senior exemption.  Within Sarasota County the benefit amount for this exemption has been established by the different governing authorities and varies depending on where you reside. 

  • $50,000 exemption for the City of Sarasota municipal ad valorem taxes
  • $50,000 exemption for the Town of Longboat Key municipal ad valorem taxes
  • $25,000 exemption for the City of North Port municipal ad valorem taxes
  • $50,000 exemption for the City of Venice municipal ad valorem taxes
  • $  5,000 exemption for the Sarasota County ad valorem taxes

In order to be eligible to receive the additional exemption, you must meet all of the following requirements:

    • Homeowners must have a current Homestead Exemption.
    • At least one owner must be 65 years of age or older as of January 1st of the year filing.
    • Provide proof of age (one of the following listed below):
      • If you drive, a Florida Drivers License or
      • If you do not drive, a Florida Identification Card or
      • A copy of your Birth Certificate or other official and/or certified record of document that demonstrates the applicant’s true age.
    • The “Sworn Statement of Adjusted Gross Income of Household and Return – form DR-501SC” must be completed and returned to the Property Appraiser by March 1st of the current tax year.
  • Also, if you or any other person residing on your property will file federal income tax return for the previous year, a copy of each filed return must be submitted to the Property Appraiser by June 1.

School, Hospital, West Coast Inland Navigation District (WCIND) and Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) taxes are not eligible for this additional exemption.

Read our FAQs about this exemption or call our office at (941) 861-8200 for more information.