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Deployed Military Service Member Exemption

Deployed military property tax exemption

§ 196.173, F.S. grants an additional ad valorem tax exemption on the homestead of servicemembers who were deployed in the preceding calendar year on active duty outside the continental United States, Alaska or Hawaii in support of the following operations:

  • Operation Joint Task Force Bravo, which began in 1995.
  • Operation Joint Guardian, which began on June 12, 1999.
  • Operation Noble Eagle, which began on September 15, 2001.
  • Operations in the Balkans, which began in 2004.
  • Operation Nomad Shadow, which began in 2007.
  • Operation U.S. Airstrikes Al Qaeda in Somalia, which began in January 2007.
  • Operation Copper Dune, which began in 2009.
  • Operation Georgia Deployment Program, which began in August 2009.
  • Operation Spartan Shield, which began in June 2011.
  • Operation Inherent Resolve, which began on August 8, 2014.
  • Operation Atlantic Resolve, which began in April 2014.
  • Operation Freedom’s Sentinel, which began on January 1, 2015.
  • Operation Resolute Support, which began in January 2015.
  • Operation Juniper Shield, which began in February 2007.
  • Operation Martillo, which began in  January 2012.
  • Operation Pacific Eagle, which began in September 2017.
  • Operation Enduring Freedom-Horn of Africa, which began January 2015.
  • European Reassurance Initiative (ERI)/European Deterrence Initiative (EDI), which began in 2014.

A copy of the servicemember's Deployment Order, listing deployment dates, must accompany the application. Additional documentation may be required if Deployment Order does not include beginning and ending date of deployment.

The following persons may file the Deployed Military Property Tax Exemption application:

  • The servicemember
  • The servicemember's spouse
  • The servicemember's power of attorney
  • Personal representative of the servicemember's estate

A servicemember may be a member or former member of any branch of the United States military or military services, the United States Coast Guard or its reserves, or the Florida National Guard.

This exemption does not renew automatically every year. Deployed servicemembers are required to apply each year as the number of days deployed on the prior year will vary.

How does the exemption work?

Deployed servicemembers are required to apply each year for this exemption. It is not a fixed amount; rather it is based on the ratio of deployed days to calendar days in the previous year. The ratio will be used to reduce the taxable value of the applicants homestead property in addition to any other exemptions they currently receive. The example below illustrates how the exemption is calculated:

  • Taxable value before Deployed Military exemption = $100,000
  • Servicemember deployed for 146 days; 146 / 365 = 40%
  • Deployed Military exemption = $100,000 x 40% = $40,000
  • Taxable value after Deployed Military exemption $60,000

Application Instructions:

  • Click here for the application
  • Complete application
  • Print and sign application
  • Deliver signed application and copy of Deployment Order to our office*
    • in person
    • by email
    • fax to 941.861.8260
    • mail to Sarasota County Property Appraiser, 2001 Adams Lane, Sarasota, FL 34237
  • Deadline for submitting a completed application is March 1st
  • If you wish, our staff will be happy to help you file your application in person at any of our office locations.

*Additional documentation may be required if Deployment Order does not include beginning and ending date of deployment.