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Top ways to lose your homestead


  1. If you or your spouse claim, receive or obtain a residency based property tax exemption, reduction, benefit, credit, etc. in another state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico or Guam. Most states offer some sort of residency based property tax relief.
  2. If you or your spouse own property elsewhere, even individually, you should contact the appropriate agency in that jurisdiction to ensure you are not placing yourself in violation of homestead exemption statutes. If you or your spouse claim, receive or obtain homestead benefits on another property in Florida. If either spouse owns other property, even individually, only one property can have the homestead exemption.
  3.  If you rent your property on January 1, or, rent your property for more than 30 days per calendar year in two consecutive years.
  4. If you maintain or obtain a driver license or state issued ID card in another state. Driver licenses and state issued ID cards are residency based.
  5. If you are registered to vote in another Florida county or another state.
  6. Couples divorcing that still jointly own the property. Upon divorcing, the formerly married couple become tenants in common (see F.S. 698.15). Unless the marital home is transferred to one owner, the property can lose 50% of the homestead exemption.

If you have questions about your unique situation we are here to help, so stop by any of our offices, email, or call 941-861-8200.